
How Can I Get Paid if I Take Care of my Mom?

It may seem surprising at first that some might want to be financially rewarded for eldercare, especially when taking care of members of the family. But there is a strong point to be made about the financial burdens of elderly home care on individuals who may have no other choice. There are good reasons why family members want to shoulder the burden of taking care of their loved ones;

  • Spending More Time with Seniors
  • Providing Personal Care
  • Not Wanting Strangers in the Home

How to get paid to care for mom

Because of these reasons and more, family members are now staying at home more often to take care of their relatives. This means that they are willing to work different shifts, take pay cuts, and even quit their jobs in the process. For those who choose this path, it is an act of love that offers many benefits and considerable burdens.

The sacrifice made by family caregivers has results in government agencies and insurance companies saving billions of dollars every year. So, it is hardly far-fetched to ask if those who make such sacrifices can find some form of payment for the work they do.

There are several ways of getting paid to care of a parent.

Personal Care Agreements and Direct Pay

VA Benefits, Life Insurance

LTC Insurance

States that Offer Financial Assistance

42 out of 50 states provide some type of payment or assistance to family members who are providing care for their relatives. The payments and overall assistance varies considerably from state to state and there are requirements that must be fulfilled. It should be noted that Medicare, currently does not offer pay for in-home care or day services for adults, but there are other government programs that you should check out.

Medicaid: Because Medicaid varies from state to state, you will need to consult with your state government to see what services are provided. Some states offer programs under Medicaid that allow patients to decide how their allotment of money is to be spent.

Caregiver Homes: In a few states is the Structured Family Caregiving Program, which is run by Caregiver Homes that provides compensation for taking care of family members. There are certain qualifications;

  • Recipient Must be Eligible for Medicaid
  • Must be Deficient in at least 3 of 5 Activities
  • Caregiver & Patient Must Live in Same Residence

If you meet all qualifications, you may receive from $900 to $1,200 per month depending on the level of care that is needed. A care manager and registered nurse will meet with you and the senior you are caring for to work out a care plan. You will receive ongoing training, coaching, and additional support when needed.

For those who are shouldering the financial burden for Eldercare in their homes, you may be able to find support. Organizations such as Benefits Check Up, which is part of the National Council on Aging, offers a website that provides information about the assistance available in your state for elderly home care. The resources range from how you might benefit in helping your elderly relatives while seniors may find discounts and financial relief in the purchase of prescription medications and the like.

If you’re a family caregiver or know someone that is and would you like to learn more about Senior Providers Network Family Caregiver Plan?  Click below.  It’s available to the public…

How to get paid to care for mom
