
How FMLA can help employees when caring for a senior loved one

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)Do you have a senior loved one who needs your care and support? Do you have a difficult time to care for your senior loved one? Do you want to know how FMLA can help you when you are giving care to a senior relative? Are you considered ineligible for FMLA to take care of your senior family member? Read further to be clear about Family and Medical Leave Act provisions with regard to caring for senior loved ones.

The FMLA provides for workers to create a balance between their jobs and leave time for activities such as having a baby, treating illness, or acting as a family caregiver to a family member who is seriously ill. However, FMLA restricts the provisions of this legislation to the members of the immediate family. The eligibility does not cover grandparents, siblings or in-laws, except for a grandparent who was once the legal guardian and when you are the legal guardian for a disabled sibling.

How can you benefit from FMLA as a family caregiver to care for your senior loved one? Do not stress out, you do have an option, and that is Respite Stay.

What is Respite Stay?
Respite stay is a short-term stay for the elderly at a senior living community for recovery purposes. Seniors who are recovering from treatment at a hospital or other health conditions are usually advised to go for respite stay.
According to US Department of Labor (DOL) through the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides that an employee family caregiver can request for an extended vacation or take time off from work to take care of their senior loved ones without repercussions.

When your senior loved one is advised to go for respite stay for convalescence after an illness or hospital stay, you can request an extended leave, Respite Care, to care for the senior. This is considered as part of your employee benefits.
This provision results from several arguments over how time-off should be handled for employees who have senior loved ones who are elderly, ill or recovering.

Know that if you are not expressly qualified for the FMLA because the senior does not meet the eligibility requirements provided by the law, respite stay or care is an alternative provision by the FMLA; it allows you to care for your senior loved ones without any consequences or repercussions to your employee benefits or your job.caregiving is an employer issue
